Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Well, I'm in Ireland... As I arrived yesterday, I have had multiple breakdowns. I've experienced homesickness, to the maximum. Other than being greatly homesick, I've been dealing with much culture shock. I went to a cafe yesterday and couldn't find anything I wanted to eat. I've always been a stickler when trying new things, but I know that one thing I cannot stand to eat ... mayo. They seem to put it on everything here. Most things at the cafe were pre-made and I could not order it without.

Trying to go grocery shopping was a bust. They have some things from home, but not much. I bought things I knew that I liked and would eat, but all the same it tasted so different... It made me miss home even more.

I've also been very cautious when going shopping. I know that the Irish are used to these prices and are not necessarily aware that things are infact cheaper in America, but I've constantly been doing the math in my head of how much certain items would be back home. I often think "Wow that's expensive, I cannot spend that money on that." But most of the time they are things that I need and I often have to give in to buy...

I've noticed as well that us Americans take advantage of many things. Things are so easy in the states and many of us don't know how good we have it. Simple enough as the food in a restaurant, things can be altered for your liking to... Our technology, their cell phones, televisions and many other things are very behind. We're already working on 4G in the states, in Ireland, they're just getting to 3G. Their televisions and tv stations are behind as well. Such as, seasonal shows, they are a season behind.

To put into the simplist of terms ... its been hard here, so far. I'm trying to stay calm and not worry, but sometimes it just doesn't work. Today, I haven't cried. But I've wanted to. As I put pictures up on my wall (to remind me of home and bring home here) I got very emotional.

Hoping things get better in time...

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